Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Joy That Can Never Be Quenched

"In every phase of human experience apart from Jesus, there is something that hinders our getting full joy.  We may have the fulfillment of our ambitions, we may have love and money, yet there is the sense of something unfulfilled, something not finished, not right.  A man [woman] is only joyful when s/he fulfills the design of God’s creation of him, and that is a joy that can never be quenched." --Oswald Chambers

(Reminds me of the first catechism question—What is the chief end of man?  To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.)

"It takes a sharp discipline for many of us to learn that our goal is God Himself, not joy, nor peace, nor even blessing, but God Himself.  Oh the joy of life with God and in God and for God!" --Oswald Chambers 

--A street in Paris--

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