Thursday, September 13, 2012

He is Always Ahead

“But let all those who rejoice put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; let those also who love your name be joyful in You.  For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous.  With favor You will surround them as with a shield.  Psalms 5: 11-12

“How precious are your thoughts unto me, O God!  How great is the sum of them!  Psalms 139:17

“There never was anyone so faithful or considerate or farseeing as Jesus.  He had great commendation to give a woman, because she came “beforehand” with her ministry.  It was His own manner to anticipate events.  He was always thinking ahead of the disciples. When He sent His disciples to prepare the Passover, there was found an upper room furnished and prepared.  He had thought it all out.  His plans were not only made for that day.  He was always in advance of time.  When the disciples came back from fishing, Jesus was on the seashore with a fire of coals and fish laid thereon.  He thinks of the morning duties before you are astir; He is there before you.  He is waiting long before you are awake. His anticipations are all along the way of life before you.

“After the resurrection the disciples were bewildered, and the way looked black.  But the angel said, “Behold, He goeth before you into Galilee.”  He is always ahead, thinking ahead, preparing ahead.  Take this text with you into the future, take it into today’s experience.: ”Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid…I go to prepare a place for you.”  He is out in the world doing it.  He will be there before you.  He will bring you to your appointed place, and you will find your appointed resources.  You will discover His insight, His oversight, and His foresight.  You may not always see Him, But you can walk by faith in the dark if you know that He sees you, and you can sing as you journey, even through the night.”  --John MacBeath, a Scottish minister

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