Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hidden in the Pavilion

Rich words today from Susannah Spurgeon (yes, his wife):

Glorious Lord, such measureless, wonderful love is indeed incomprehensible; but I ask that Your gracious Spirit may strengthen the eyes of my mind -- that I may see something more of the glory and beauty of Your rich grace, and that He may enable the hands of my faith to cling tenaciously to the everlasting consolation which lies in the fact of Your eternal, unchanging, and covenant love in Christ Jesus! When, in response to the skeptical suggestions of my own evil heart, or the malicious insinuations of the enemy of souls, I can confidently say, "All this is because the Lord loved me," it is evident that faith has quenched the fiery darts -- that I stand upon a rock which no powers of earth or hell can move -- I am hidden in the pavilion, unassailable by the craftiest foe; I have an overflowing well of joy in my heart which no drought can dry up, and no impurity can defile.
--from A Basket of Summer Fruit

photo courtesy of Thistledown Photography

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