Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Silver Wedding Anniversary

We skipped the morning bike ride and breakfast together for our anniversary because duty called; we’ll have a few days together soon.  So we sat wound together out on the deck with morning coffee and tea and Gospel Intimacy to spend the first few minutes of our 25th anniversary enjoying just being home, quiet, enjoying the morning air.  Out pops one of our people to say good morning and have a chat and, well, we didn’t want to chase him away but finally he left us to our romantic reverie.  For all of 1.5 minutes before another head pops around the corner and she settles in with us on the lounge chair as if she’s going to stay, until number three reminds her it’s our anniversary and we are trying to have some romantic moments.  Finally the guilt trip prevails and she pulls herself away.  Somehow, before half a page was read, all three of them are standing around us conversing about this and that and generally socializing for the rest of our available few moments.  When at last they left, in time for us to get up and on with our day, I said “Well, it will be soon enough that they won’t be here to interrupt us on our anniversary morning”, and indeed, we didn’t mind in the least. 

Today I echo the words Elisabeth Prentiss wrote on her silver wedding anniversary, 1870:

“My thoughts have been busy the past week with reviewing the years through which I have travelled, hand in hand, with my dear husband; years full of sin, full of suffering, full of joy; brimful of the lovingkindness and tender mercy that smote often and smote surely.  Your last letter confirms what I already knew, but am never tired of hearing, repeated, the faithfulness of God to those whom He afflicts…magnify Him who took such pains with me, and is carrying on just such work in thousands of hearts and lives…there is nothing like the influence of one living soul on another. Then why should we not naturally speak to everybody who will listen, of what fills our thoughts: our Saviour, his beauty, His goodness, his faithfulness, His wisdom!  I don’t believe a full heart can help running over!” –More Love to Thee

Praising God this day for His faithful gifts, His working all things to good, and His making all things beautiful in His time. 

Here's to celebrating 50 together!  or 60? Will this be us in 40 years?

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