Friday, January 11, 2013

Better To Be Blind Persons

"It is often advantageous to us also to have no way open to us, to be straitened and hemmed in on every hand, and even to be blinded that we may learn to depend solely on God’s assistance and to rely on Him; for so long as a plank is left on which we think we can seize, we turn to it with our whole heart.  While we are driven about in all directions, the consequence is, that the remembrance of heavenly grace fades from our memory.  If, therefore, we desire that God should assist us and relieve our adversity, we must be blind, we must turn our eyes from the present condition of things, and restrain our judgment, that we may rely entirely upon His promises.  Although this blindness is far from being pleasant, and shews the weakness of our mind, yet, if we judge from the good effects which it produces, we ought not to realty shun it; for it is better to be “blind” persons guided by the hand of God, than, by excessive sagacity, to form labyrinths for ourselves…

"Although God does not immediately send relief, still believers will suffer nothing by the delay, provided that they wait with patience…

  –taken from John Calvin, Commentary on Isaiah

photos from Thistledown Cards

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