Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ministry of Motherhood

“Mothering is no second-rate ministry for the spiritually and intellectually mediocre. 

Mothering is a Christ-rated ministry for soul and mind sculptors and what could ever be substandard about passing on Christ’s standard?”  --Ann Voskamp 

I do wonder long at why, in today’s culture, we’ve lost sight of the magnitude of the work we as mothers have to do in our own home:  studying the personalities, needs, spiritual acumen of our children, encouraging them in appetites and endeavors that keep them focused on the Christ-path and not looking to the right nor the left for their identity or satisfaction.  Full time job, yes? And that’s second-fiddle, even so, to being a help-meet to our husbands primarily and foremost.  There is altogether too much to distract us.

I do love the opening quote by Ann.  Another wonderful and godly mentor, Mary Winslow, writes the following in a letter to one in ministry; I am seeking to apply its truths and wisdom to the ministry of my motherhood, and I find it fits well-adorned to the cause…(note how boldly she addresses this person, for the sake and goal of encouragement in the Lord!  Should we find ourselves closer in our friendships if we dared such an approach to exhibiting our love for one another?)

“I am wishing to know from yourself, not only how it is with your own soul, but how it is with the little flock over whom you are placed as overseer.  Are you gathering in souls for the harvest?  Does the Lord bless you with success?  Are poor sinners converted?  I do think it depends a good deal on our own state of soul whether we are useful or not.  I do hope yours is prospering, and if so, the Spirit within you will shew Himself in your work.  This I have had occasion often to observe.  And yet, the Lord might not bless us in the way we mark out for ourselves; for though in our poor wisdom it may seem the right way, He might see differently. 

“I have learned much from long though painful experience of the narrow road, and seem now to be left a little longer that I might speak a word in season to those who are coming after me—a word of warning, a word of counsel, a word of encouragement.  It is a mercy to be employed in any way, however humble the attempt and weak the instrument.  

Dear friend, do you feel Jesus precious to your soul?  Is He not the fountain, yea, the ocean of love?  Oh, get much of it into your heart!  Aim to live on high.  The soul naturally, through the weakness of the flesh, cleaves to the dust; and Satan is ever busy encumbering out minds with the poor world we are rapidly passing through.  Well might he be called ‘the god of this world’.  Be not ignorant of his devices.  A throne of grace is always accessible.  Never stop to argue with Satan, but flee to Jesus your strength; He will give you the victory over His old enemy.  What a precious resource is this!  How could we live a moment without it!  A throne of grace is the only verdant spot in this wide wilderness.  Oh, the power of prayer!  Coming in the name of Jesus, the Father can withhold no good thing from us.

“You need wisdom from above to accomplish this great work.  The Holy Spirit must be your teacher.  He alone can accompany His own word spoken to the soul.  He it is who gives life…” 
--in the middle of a bike ride

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