Friday, January 25, 2013

That Everything May Commend Christ

"The other person needs to be loved for what he is, as one for whom Christ became man, died and rose again, for whom Christ brought forgiveness of sins and eternal life.  Because Christ has long since acted decisively for my brother, before I could begin to act, I must leave him his freedom to be Christ’s;  I must meet him only as the person that he already is in Christ’s eyes…Human love constructs its own image of the other person, of what he is and what he should become.  It takes the life of the other person into its own hands.  Spiritual love recognizes the true image of the other person which he has received from Jesus Christ; the image that Jesus Christ himself embodied and would stamp upon all men.  Therefore spiritual love proves itself in that everything it says and does commends Christ…"

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this amazing quote! It is so, so true, and I think all of us need to here it whether we think so or not. I really appreciate it. Love you special mom!
